Suede dresses - trend combination rules
Suede shoes, gloves and bags have become a classic and loved by women of fashion.…

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Fashionable winter coats of the year - new items from the catwalks
In the upcoming season, fur on fashion catwalks leads in all its manifestations. This includes…

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What to wear with slip-on sneakers - fashionable shoe combinations
Slip-ons are a type of sports shoe. Increasingly, women wear sneakers without laces with dresses…


Preppy style - concise and trendy images
Preppy - "golden youth". Educated and intelligent young people who are given not only by…

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simple lace choker

What to wear with overalls – tips for every day

The overalls are the element of clothes combining the top and lower part of a dress. This is the main plus of the jumpsuit – no need to pick up the top to the pants, risking an inappropriate combination.
Do not confuse the jumpsuit with semi-overalls! The semi-overalls are trousers with a bib and straps. Under such clothes, be sure to wear a top or blouse.
Recently, the expression “jumpsuit-skirt” appeared – this is an incorrect definition. The combination of “skirt + top” is called a dress, and the combination of “skirt + breastplate with shoulder straps” is called a sundress.
Where did the fashion for overalls go Continue reading

Choker – with what to wear a fashion accessory

Choker – decoration, tight-fitting neck. The first to wear a necklace were Indians. They decorated the chokers with mollusks, animal tusks, and put symbolic meaning into the product. The history of the choker continued in France. Noble ladies wore intricate necklaces with precious stones. At one time, women began to wear a satin red choker around their necks to commemorate the victims of the guillotine.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the female choker was a characteristic accessory for the representatives of the oldest profession. And in the 20th century, Princess Diana introduced the fashion for pearl chokers. In the 90s, black line fishing tattoo chokers became popular.
Types of chokers Continue reading

Sneakers on the platform - how to wear ultratrand shoes?
Great news for fans of sports shoes - trendy sneakers on a high platform! Such…


Fashionable backpacks - how to choose a trend accessory?
Sports style is firmly entrenched in the number of fashion trends, so beautiful backpacks have…
