Sneakers on the platform - how to wear ultratrand shoes?
Great news for fans of sports shoes - trendy sneakers on a high platform! Such…

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How to wear pumps - versatile fashion shoes
Boats are called open women's shoes without buckles and straps. The boats can be on…

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Treads - with what to wear trend boots
High boots-boots are difficult to combine with other things. Often the boots look vulgar or…


What to wear with a raincoat - trendy tips for fashionistas
Throwing on a raincoat, you can transform any outfit, making it feminine and elegant. A…

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plaid shirt combine

What to wear with a raincoat – trendy tips for fashionistas

Throwing on a raincoat, you can transform any outfit, making it feminine and elegant. A raincoat resembles a dress, so even if you wear it with jeans or sports shoes, your look will always be elegant.
We bring to your attention the most harmonious outfits with a raincoat – no matter what style you prefer, such outerwear will be a good addition to your wardrobe.
Black cloak
Classic black can be combined with things of any color, but it is recommended to avoid dark brown. A black total bow with a raincoat is not the best choice. The outfit will look grim. But if you prefer the Gothic style, let’s say this option – add a costume with silver metal accessories. Continue reading

With what to wear a leather skirt - images for any occasion
Leather is the first material that people began to use to create clothing. Now leather…


Flared jeans - fashion returns
Looking through the latest collections of fashion houses, it becomes clear that again flared jeans…
