maroon toilet articles
Michael Kors bag: 5 signs of a fake
Paying a lot of money for a bag, we want to make sure that it is truly branded. Having studied 5 points, you easily calculate a fake.
The original bag of Michael Kors is packed according to the scheme. The product is supplied in a corporate paper bag with the brand logo. The package is tight and smooth, keeps its shape well. A thin package that is easily wrinkled indicates a fake. Bags for sale in Russia are delivered in packages of cream color.
Do not be afraid if you received the bag in a yellow or white bag. Yellow color means that the bag is from the old collection and was stale in the warehouse – a few years ago the bags were yellow. Continue reading
What to wear skinny – choose the style
Skinny pants – a favorite model of slim girls. They fit the legs and hips, emphasizing the dignity of the figure.
In the mid-20th century, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn wore tight pants, but they can hardly be called skinny. At that time, tight clothes were considered vulgar.
Technology gave fashionable women the opportunity to wear skinny, which is pleasant to the body, durable and diverse. These are jeans, suede trousers and suede, leather and leather, knitted trousers and products made from innovative materials.
These skinnies became popular in the 2000s, when designers proposed to supplement them with studs and tuck in their tops of boots. Find out what else you can combine skin and where it is appropriate to wear them. Continue reading
What to celebrate the year 2019 – successful images
The New Year’s holiday has an invariable tradition – it is met in a new outfit. What to celebrate the year 2019 must be decided in advance, so that there is time to prepare a stunning holiday toilet.
What color to choose clothes
Many people choose a New Year’s outfit in accordance with the year on the Chinese calendar. It is believed that the right color will please the owner of the year, help him to like it, and he will be supportive over the next 12 months – protect him from trouble and throw up good opportunities.
According to the eastern calendar comes the year of the yellow pig. It is logical that all shades of yellow are suitable for his meeting: gold, sand, orange, orange, lemon and even mustard. The host of the coming year boar loves natural colors – brown, green and aqua. In addition, it favorably relates to shine, so you can choose metallic and lurex fabrics. Continue reading