Sneakers on the platform - how to wear ultratrand shoes?
Great news for fans of sports shoes - trendy sneakers on a high platform! Such…

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Spring Coats and Jackets
Spring has not prepared for us something radically new in terms of outerwear for beautiful…

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With what to wear ankle boots in thick heels and on the platform - fashionable images
Shoes on the platform and heels loved by many fashionistas. Such models allow you to…


Fashionable bags spring-summer - trend combinations
If you consider yourself a real fashionista, you probably pay attention not only to your…

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Forget about cats

New Year’s corporate party – how to look stylish

Corporate party is a bit unusual holiday. People who work together every day, being for each other not only colleagues, but also bosses, as well as subordinates, relax here in an informal setting. What outfit to choose for such an event?
This is probably the only opportunity to appear before the other employees in clothes that do not correspond to the dress code, but is it worth it to try hard to make an impression? Let’s pick up a stylish, but at the same time relevant outfit for corporate parties.
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If you work in a reputable firm, and the management conducts corporate in a prestigious restaurant, you will need a new dress, high-quality shoes and expensive jewelry. Continue reading

How to wear rubber boots - rules and anti-trends
Women are tired of choosing between beauty and convenience. Now designers are inferior to women…


Lace dress. Learning to choose the right image
Laced outfits like never in a trend this year. If many women of fashion look…
