Sneakers on the platform - how to wear ultratrand shoes?
Great news for fans of sports shoes - trendy sneakers on a high platform! Such…

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Choker - with what to wear a fashion accessory
Choker - decoration, tight-fitting neck. The first to wear a necklace were Indians. They decorated…

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Choker - with what to wear a fashion accessory
Choker - decoration, tight-fitting neck. The first to wear a necklace were Indians. They decorated…


How to wear rubber boots - rules and anti-trends
Women are tired of choosing between beauty and convenience. Now designers are inferior to women…

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low run

Pencil skirt – for work or on holiday

“Pencil” is a skirt, narrowed down and tight hips. Pencil skirts are sewn from a variety of materials – elastic knitwear, costume fabric, satin, lace and many other options. For the first time such a skirt style appeared in the middle of the last century, and legendary designer Christian Dior introduced it to fashion. The pencil skirt emphasizes the roundness of the hips and slim figure, making the woman incredibly elegant. For many girls, a pencil skirt is solely a business woman’s wardrobe, but current trends stubbornly demonstrate the opposite. In a tight skirt, you can walk around the city and go shopping, as well as visit restaurants, exhibitions and even parties. Let’s look at the main issue – what is the best way to combine such a skirt.
Pencil skirt with a high waist Continue reading

Boho style – the embodiment of femininity and simplicity

If you are at least a little familiar with the boho style, you have noticed that it combines incompatible things. Wearing garments that are poorly combined with each other is not the main task of the boho. Boho is a style of creative people, people with innovative thinking who do not depend on fashion, and at the same time dress beautifully.
How did the boho style appear
The name of the boho style comes from the word “bohemia” – the creative intelligentsia. The term originated in France in the 19th century, a layer of society, which included street performers, artists, poets and other creative people with an unstable income, was called bohemian – they did not have the means to buy fashionable things. Continue reading

How to wear pumps - versatile fashion shoes
Boats are called open women's shoes without buckles and straps. The boats can be on…


Choker - with what to wear a fashion accessory
Choker - decoration, tight-fitting neck. The first to wear a necklace were Indians. They decorated…
